The mission of our lab is to conduct scientific research to spur advancements in Security, Privacy, Usability, and Respect for people using computer systems.

SPUR is Nathan Malkin’s research group at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

The lab’s research focus is human-centered security and privacy, also known as usable security and privacy.

Combining (cyber)security & privacy with human-computer interaction & social computing, we utilize user experience (UX) research methods—for example, observations and measurements, lab and remote experiments, surveys and interviews—to understand how human factors (people’s individual abilities and limitations, and group behaviors and processes) contribute to privacy and security problems.

We use our insights to design systems to overcome security and privacy challenges, and empirically validate proposed improvements with user studies and real-world deployments.

To find more about our research, please check out our publications.

If you’re interested in joining, learn more about the opportunities!

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